Thursday, July 24, 2014

Stop Bragging About Your Kids

Really. Stop it. You know why? Because they know. Because I bragged about mine yesterday and do you want to know what happened? He clearly overheard and decided he was going to teach me a little lesson. That I was getting too comfortable with this motherhood thing. It went a little something like this:

Just before dinner, while talking on the phone-
Me: "Jack is doing so great with teething. I mean, he gets a little cranky during the day but he hasn't woken up during the night at all!"
Mother in Law: "I believe it. You've got such a sweet boy!" 
Me: "I do. He's the best! We're so lucky!" 

11 pm, just as I climb into bed and turn off the light-
Jack: "waaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!"

4:09 am, not a creature was stirring, except for-
Jack: "WAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

You see, this is not the first time he has done this. In fact, I remember the last time I spoke to someone about how well Jack had been sleeping and how he hadn't woken during the night in months. What did he do THAT VERY NIGHT? Why, he woke up in the middle of it, of course. It's almost as if he knows that I'm on the brink of feeling like I've got a handle on everything; like I finally have it all figured out. And then he feels the need to show me just who is in charge here, and that indeed, I have nothing figured out. Absolutely nothing. 

So, as this has become a trend in the last 8 months, I can only imagine how the rest of our time together will go. I imagine it being something a little like this:

Me: "That Jack, he sure does love soccer. He's so talented and we sure do enjoy watching him play."
Jack: "Mom, I hate soccer. I want to play hockey."

Me: "I just love that girl Jack has been dating. She's such a sweetheart."
Jack: "Mom, I broke up with my girlfriend."

Me: "I'm so glad I have another Broncos fan in the house. I love watching the games on TV with Jack!"
Jack: "I like the Seahawks now."

And so on and so forth. This kid certainly keeps me on my toes, there's no doubt about that! So, until the next time he decides to turn the tables on me, I'll just enjoy these sweet moments and hope he doesn't decide he's not a cuddler any time soon.


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