Tuesday, November 11, 2014

It's Been...

two months since my last blog post. Whoops.

ten days since Jack's 1st Birthday party. My little King of the Wild Things had a blast. We all did. I can't even begin to speak of how grateful I am for all of the support from friends and family we have here in South Dakota. It doesn't quite make up for being so far away from my friends and family in South Carolina and Michigan, but it eases the pain a bit. We had such a great turnout of friends and family, and were blessed with perfect weather that day. It couldn't have been any better than it was. And seriously, what did we do before Pinterest? Could not have pulled off anything nearly as cute without it!

11 weeks since the start of the school year and things are finally running smoothly. My routines are set, my kids are fantastic, and I still love my coworkers. I'm starting to plan for my class's Christmas party (next month!) and I'm excited for some new ideas I came across. Yes, on Pinterest. 

33 hours since I slipped and fell down the stairs at work. Ouch. Darn snow...

too long since I read a good book. I'm open to suggestions before I begin my annual Christmas rereading of the Harry Potter series. 

a while since I made dinner at home. Baked salmon is on the menu for tonight and I WON'T decide to scrap it and get take out instead. I won't. 

a busy few months, but I'm ready to start blogging again. Work has finally slowed down and I'm no longer going in on the weekends. So on that note, I'll see you for "Five on Friday: Jack's Partay" in just a few short days!

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